Core Team Members

  • Project Leader


    As executive director, professorate senior engineer, director of microelectronics and solid-state electronics in University of Science and Technology of China, he has presided over and participated in dozens of independent and joint research projects, including China Torch Program, National Natural Science Foundation of China, key scientific and technological projects of “the 12th Five-Year Plan” in Anhui Province. The scientific and technological projects in which he participated have won prominent awards, including “National Science Progress Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences”, “the First Prize of Science Progress of Ministry of Electronics Industry” and “Provincial Science Progress Award”.

    He is now a member of Material Science Branch of Chinese Institute of Electronics and a member of Expert Advisory Committee of Anhui Software Industry Association.

    As a major venture shareholder of CSG Smart Science & Technology Co., Ltd., he has held the post of general manager since its establishment and listing, and accumulated rich experience in technology, product development, marketing and management.


    National Science Progress Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences First Prize of Science Progress of Ministry of Electronics Industry Provincial Science Progress Award

  • Chief engineer


    As professorate senior engineer and professor of the Department of Physics of USTC, he has been enjoying special government allowances of the State Council since 1992. He has been engaging in the research of microelectronics and optoelectronics for many years, and has presided over numerous national and provincial scientific and technological projects. In the latest 8 years, he devotes himself to the research and development of LED driver power supply and has obtained 4 relevant patents.

    He has successively completed three national military projects and taken charge of the forward circuit, map and technological design of special integrated circuits for three high-accuracy satellite measurement and control, among which China’s first independently designed and developed special integrated circuit for military communications has been awarded “the First Prize of Research Achievement of Chinese Academy of Science”; China’s first independently designed and developed 100MHz analog phase-lock integrated circuit has been awarded “the Second Prize of Research Achievement of Chinese Academy of Science”; China’s first independently designed and developed special integrated circuit for laser gyro signal processing has been awarded “Technological Progress Award of PLA”;


    First Prize of Research Achievement of Chinese Academy of Science Second Prize of Research Achievement of Chinese Academy of Science Technological Progress Award of PLA

  • R&D director


    As Doctor of microelectronics and solid-state electronics of the University of Science and Technology of China, he has worked in the field of electronics for 15 years and completed different design and research projects of power electronics, laser ranging and speed measurement and weak signal processing.

    He has participated in numerous joint projects between the Department of Physics of USTC and Seattle Hardware Department of Microsoft Corporation.

    Now he is carrying on different scientific research projects sponsored by the National Youth Foundation of Natural Sciences of China and the Youth Foundation of the University of Science and Technology of China. He has successively published more than 20 theses at international conferences and in domestic and overseas core periodicals, 5 of which have been included by SCI and 10 have been included by EI and have obtained 2 U.S. patents of invention; he has published 4 theses as lead author, gaining 1 American patent of invention. Among these theses, 4 were published with him as the first author and resulted in a U.S. patent of invention.


    Author of SCI International Academic Papers Author of EI International Thesis 3 U.S. Patents of Invention