【Exclusive】Intelligent Lighting Market Development Analysis

Article Source: Popularity: Issuing time:2018-06-14
Instead of groping the light switch in dark, only one smartphone can easily control all the lighting systems of the whole family, create various lighting effects such as gradual change and discoloration, and create an exclusive home lighting atmosphere. Everyone can become their own home. "Light Master." This is the convenience of smart lighting. In fact, in addition to the family, intelligent lighting is also worth looking forward to in the industrial/commercial lighting, outdoor lighting and public lighting.
Smart lighting refers to the distributed lighting control system consisting of technologies such as Internet of Things, wired/wireless communication technology, power carrier communication technology, embedded computer intelligent information processing, and energy-saving control to achieve intelligent control of lighting equipment. 
At present, the competition in the field of LED general lighting is fierce, and the stronger the industry is, the stronger the big one is. With price wars between big manufacturers and slowing down of alternative market growth, many SMEs have begun to shift to LED lighting niche markets to excavate high value-added markets in order to avoid head-on confrontations with large companies. At present, smart lighting, landscape lighting, plant lighting, LED automotive lighting and other sub-fields are worthy of attention, especially the intelligent lighting market has broad prospects.
Since the smart lighting entered the Chinese market in the 1990s, it has been slow to develop due to the influence of the market's consumer awareness, market environment, product prices, and promotion efforts. However, in recent years, with the maturity of technologies and products and the popularization of related concepts, the smart lighting market has grown rapidly. According to the data of OFweek Industrial Research Institute, the smart lighting market in China was approximately 26 billion yuan in 2017, an increase of 82% year-on-year.
From the application perspective, industrial and commercial lighting is the largest application area, followed by home lighting, outdoor lighting, public lighting, the smallest proportion. Among them, home lighting (smart home) and smart lighting promote each other and develop together, and they are optimistic about the growth of smart lighting in the residential sector.